OpenUtilities Substation Help

Load Data by Work Order

Lets you load data into the BOM Manager tree by selecting existing work order(s).

Accessed from:
  • BOM Manager > Load Data by Work Order
Look in Select the field you want to search within or select "All Fields" to search everything.
Search Enter a value to search for and click the Search button to query the work orders in the active project that contain the search terms you entered.
Work Orders Picklist Select from the following choices to further filter what is available to be loaded:
  • Active Work Orders - This will list only the work orders that appear in the Work Order Manager for the active project. No Documents or Revisions will appear in the list.
  • Work Orders only - This will work like the Show All option except that only the work orders will be listed. No Documents or Revisions will appear in the list.
Name list Select the checkbox for the Work Orders you want to load in the BOM Manager. You can load multiple work orders at the same time if you need to move items from one work order to another. Click the Apply button to load the selected items.